Khóa học về Cơ học Đá và Địa chất công trình cho giảm thiểu tai biến trong Công trình và Mỏ/ Training Course of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology for Reduced Geo-hazards in Mining and Civil Projects

Khóa học về Cơ học Đá và Địa chất công trình cho giảm thiểu tai biến trong Công trình và Mỏ

Training Course of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology

for Reduced Geo-hazards in Mining and Civil Projects

- A program of Education Fund Committee of ISRM


Hanoi, Vietnam, March 26-29, 2018


Organized by Vietnam Society for Rock Mechanics (VSRM)

Sponsored by International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM)





March 26 (Mon)


09:15-09:30     Opening

09:30-11:00     Lecture 1: “"Development of geological models"” by Stuart Read

11:00-12:30     Lecture 2: “Geo-disaster prediction” by Manchao He

12:30-14:00     Lunch

14:00-15:30     Lecture 3: “Monitoring slopes, dams, subsidence, etc. using satellite technology”

                        by Norikazu Shimizu

15:30-17:00     Lecture 4: “Mine subsidence risks” by Seokwon Jeon


March 27 (Tue)


09:30-11:00     Lecture 5: “Monitoring and assessing the stability of underground structures”

                        by Norikazu Shimizu

11:00-12:30     Lecture 6: “A new mining method” by Manchao He

12:30-14:00     Lunch

14:00-15:30     Lecture 7: “Metro tunnelling” by Seokwon Jeon

15:30-17:00     Lecture 8: “

"Use of geological models in surface engineering"  

by Stuart Read

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